Allston-Brighton Community Fund

A Brief History
In 2019, the Brighton Allston Improvement Association (BAIA) – a civic group dedicated to the betterment of the Brighton and Allston Communities - worked with Clear Channel to establish a community development agreement that facilitates the provision of critical funding to benefit nonprofit organizations in our local community..
Since 2020, the Allston Brighton Community Fund (AB Fund) has benefited 40 organizations with over $225,000 in funding. Brighton Marine salutes the passion and dedication of the BAIA committee members who worked so tirelessly to make the Allston Brighton Community Fund a reality.
How To Apply For the Allston Brighton Community Giving Fund
To apply for a grant, organizations must be registered 501c3 in the State of Massachusetts and operate within the Allston Brighton neighborhood serving local organizations, schools, senior programs, veterans, and food banks.
Written applications for 2024 must be submitted to Brighton Marine, Inc. by Friday, November 22nd, 2024.
The AB Fund Committee will recommend grants, and disbursements will be made within 60 days of the application deadline. Documentation of applications, Committee approval, and disbursements will be maintained at Brighton Marine’s corporate office at 77 Warren Brighton, MA 02135. Proceeds from the AB Fund are restricted for use by organizations that benefit area residents. Capital projects will not be considered under the Fund. Programs such as food banks, school programs and scholarships, senior programs, veteran services, financial literacy, and other like programs will be considered for awards.
The summary of requirements for applying for the 2024 AB Fund is the following:
To apply for a grant, organizations must be registered 501c3 in the State of Massachusetts and operate within the Allston Brighton neighborhood serving local organizations, schools, senior programs, veterans, and food banks.
Application Deadline is Friday, November 22nd, 2024 by 5 pm.
AB Fund Application, Budget, and Expense Reports must be submitted by the deadline.
Award recipients must submit an acceptance letter, JPEG Logo, and W9 Form to Brighton Marine. Brighton Marine asks each Award Recipient to submit an AB Fund Expense Report that demonstrates that each award has been allocated as stated in their proposals prior to December 2025.
Applicants will be notified within 60 days of the application deadline.
Award recipients will be asked to be highlighted in media and/or social media posts.
Please submit AB Fund Applications to Dancuddy@Brighton-Marine.Org by November 22, 2024.