Brighton Elks Support Veterans Network

Brighton Elks Function Manager Kelly McGrath Provides Relief for Veteran Residents
Brighton Marine is extremely grateful to Kelly McGrath and the Brighton Elks for their continued generosity toward our Veterans network. For years, the Brighton Elks have supported Brighton Marine and forged a close partnership with both the Veterans and our staff. Over the last three years, Brighton Elks Function Manager Kelly McGrath has gone above and beyond to provide food, supplies, and guidance for our Veterans.

Kelly grew up in the Allston-Brighton community and attended Saint Columbkille Partnership School where she now serves on the board. Kelly felt drawn to supporting Veterans issues after watching her grandfather, a World War II Veteran, struggle with his civilian transition, and the cause has held a special place in her heart ever since. Kelly chose to get involved with Brighton Marine in part because of her strong, personal ties to the issues facing Veterans, but also because she felt particularly inspired by the organization’s commitment to Veteran outreach.
“It’s important to make Veterans feel like they are a part of the community and that we’re here to help them if they need it. One of the Elks’ core values is to help Veterans; they have been doing so since the beginning,” said Kelly. “Brighton Marine is so easy to partner with, and any time you call them for anything in the community they are there for us. Anything that we can do to give back to them is just in gratitude.”

In the last three years, Kelly has overseen several donation drives of blankets, clothes, and food to Brighton Marine. She was also pivotal in a local Brighton Veteran being housed at the Residences at Brighton Marine and continues to help him navigate his housing needs. She hopes that both her and the Elks’ special partnership with Brighton Marine will continue to grow in the future so that they may continue to help Veterans in need in any way they can.
Thank you Kelly and all of the Brighton Elks for your support of Brighton Marine!